Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Okay well first off our family goal is going to the temple nd getting sealed..
but one BIG HUGE mom..
she smokes nd i hate it soooo much..she's "trying" to quit..but to me it doesnt seem like it..she smokes everyday nd hasnt even made a goal to try not to smoke once..she either smokes a whole or a half..
IM SOOO IRRITATED!!!nd she just smokes like she not even trying or caring..
i understand it's really really hard..but cant she just make an effort..
i just want to go to the temple nd stay with my family forever..
Hopefully this goes well nd please pray for my mom please.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

well this is like my first time in forever writing a blog..i've been sooooo busy with school trying to get my grades up..nd i've been tired nd working nd just being lazy,texting,doing whatever a teenager does..
well here are some pics of stuff thats been up..